Transform your life
Relieve stress and anxiety NATURALLY. Replace the physical habit of smoking with the Aerosolry Breathlace to control your impulses using the power of your breath, wherever you are.
"I always struggled to quit vaping & have been ashamed of my nicotine addiction. A friend gifted me this necklace to replace my bad habit. Now I have a constant reminder with me to come back to the present moment and to breathe through any uncomfortable or stressful moments, without damaging my health."
Manage Stress Naturally - Use the power of your breath wherever you are!
Using your Breathlace regularly helps you experience a sense of calm and inner peace, even when life's challenges come your way.
• Quit Vaping or Smoking – Our necklace is the perfect alternative for smoking or consuming drugs, providing a completely natural way to quit smoking!
• Improve Health – A mindful companion with you at all times. Our necklace is not only stylish but also a practical tool you can use to improve your health no matter where you are.
• Save Money – This one-time investment ends regularly spending money on new vapes or cigarettes. Investing in your health AND saving money at the same time.

1. Inhale - Deeply inhale through the nose to and take a pause at the top, to mimic a similar action to smoking or vaping.
2. Exhale - Slowly control your exhale through the necklace to alleviate any feelings of anxiety or cravings that come from nicotine withdrawal.
3. Release - Repeat this regularly to experience a sense of inner calmness and improved emotional well-being over time.
What's Included: